Book Angle
We never forget the books we loved as children. Every child should read, love, and own books. Unfortunately, although the diversity of our country continues to grow there is a persistent cultural divide in books that celebrate America’s diversity. The 2013 Cooperative Children’s Book Center Study reveals that of the 3,200 children’s books published in 2013, just 93 (less than 3%) were about black people.
"Unfortunately too often children in the United States are not exposed to print or digital materials that reflect themselves or their culture. This can have harmful effects on a child, as such an absence impacts self-esteem. Similarly damaging is a child's lack of exposure to other cultures, which fuels intolerance and cultural invisibility."
Starr LaTronica, president, Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC)
Become a Book Angel
As a Book Angel, your financial donation will help bridge the cultural divide, so that African American children can benefit from exposure to literature that mirrors themselves, their culture and their families. Additionally, all children can develop a respect for those who are different from them. The EyeSeeMe Book Angel program provides free, high-quality, age appropriate reading material that promotes positive African American images to schools and nonprofit partners for students to enjoy and share with their families.
Choose one of the following options:
1.) General Book Angel Fund - Choose the General Book Angel Fund and your donation will be utilized to provide books for various schools, non-profit organizations, and low-income families as needed.
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2.) Registered Schools/Organizations - Choose one of the registered organizations below to become a Book Angel for that specific organization.
- Kirkwood School District, Kirkwood, MO - In partnership with the Meacham Park Neighborhood Improvement Association, Your financial donation will add culturally affirming African American books to the Kirkwood Elementary Schools, Kirkwood Early Child Center, and the Parents As Teachers programs. Furthermore, The EyeSeeMe Foundation will match 5% of total funds raised and donate to the MNIA Scholarship Fund.
- Glenridge Elementary School - Help add multicultural and inclusive history children's books to the Glenridge Elementary School.
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3.) Mail Donation Checks - to The EyeSeeMe Foundation, 7827 Olive Blvd; University City, MO 63130; (Book Angels Program)