Why Do You Have Black Dolls?

Posted by Mohammed kapadia on

Author Debbie Behan Garrett explains, “When a young child is playing with a doll, she is mimicking being a mother, and in her young, impressionable years, I want that child to understand that there’s nothing wrong with being black. If black children are force-fed that white is better, or if that’s all that they are exposed to, then they might start to think, ‘What is wrong with me?'” By providing children with African-American dolls that reflect their beauty, we can help to instill in them a positive self-image.

Donna Jones on

Attention City Businesses:

The License Collector’s Office is showcasing local businesses in the City Hall Rotunda. There is no cost to participating vendors, but space is limited, so please reserve your date as soon as possible. This will be a two-day Open House in the City Hall Rotunda, that will start at 10:00 am and end at 2:00 pm.Participating vendors will receive one parking-per-vendor pass for the city parking lot for the participating day(s). Each vendor space will consist of two chairs and a table, as well as access to representatives to assist with unloading and loading of vendor merchandise upon request.

Benefits of being a vendor in the City Business Open House include showcasing your products and services to the public, marketing your business to potential customers, and making sales at City Hall. Participating food vendors are allowed to bring advertisement materials and discount coupons, but food sales are not permitted during this event. However, orders can be taken during the Open House and food can be delivered after 2:00 pm.

Dates of the Open House for 2016 are listed below:

September 8th/9th
October 6th/7th
Nov 3rd/4th
December 1st/2nd
January 12th/13th
Feb 9th/10th

Register for the St. Louis City Business Open House by contacting Donna Jones at: (314)-613-7122 or send an email to: jonesdonn@stlouis-mo.gov.

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